
Good News | Our Company Won the Title of “2021 Fujian Superior Enterprises in Intellectual Property”

Source:Luo Lih-Fen Group LLF20220001 Views:3452 Postdate:2022-01-07

According to the requirements of the Measures for the Administration of Fujian Superior Enterprises in Intellectual Property (M. Z. G. [2017] No.2) and the Notice on Organizing and Carrying out the Application of 2021 Provincial Superior Enterprises in Intellectual Property and Reviewing 2018 Provincial Superior Enterprises in Intellectual Property (M. Z. H. [2021] No.9), Fujian Intellectual Property Office recently announced the list of 2021 Fujian Superior Enterprises in Intellectual Property including 61 enterprises. Our company won the title of “2021 Fujian Superior Enterprises in Intellectual Property”.


Winning this honor is the high recognition for the company’s effort into the intellectual property by the Provincial Intellectual Property Office. Our Company always pays attention to the creation, management, utilization and protection of intellectual property, and transforms the intellectual property capital into the source of our Company’s core competitiveness to promote our Company’s faster and better development.


(Article from Fujian Administration for Market Regulation (Fujian Intellectual Property Office), website:〕

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