1A small victory relies on the intelligence, while a great victory relies on the moral standards.
When the wealth is gathered, the people are departed; when the wealth is handed out, the people are gathered. - 2Take the cause of Luo Lih-fen as your own cause, but take none of Luo Lih-fen’s benefits.
- 3The revolution of concept and manners of thinking is fiercer than that of technology, software and speed.
- 4Do the right things, and then do them right.
- 5Make the complex matters simple, and make the simple matters perfect.
- 6There is no miracle, only attentiveness and the strength of getting focused.
- 7It is better to get injured in the training, rather than get killed in the market.
- 8Market is battle field. Training is to prepare for a battle.
- 9A strict teacher produces outstanding students. Focus on the professional skills and put emphasis on education.
- 10Character first, integrity first.
- 11Three steps towards success: choose the right strategy, make up your mind, and apply the right solution.
- 12Power of execution means speed, accuracy, and complete implementation.
- 13Be practical, responsible, and non-stopable.
14“Have faith in our professional skills as well as your determination to become beautiful-------Luo Lih-fen opens
up a door towards beauty in front of you.” -
15“Luo Lih-fen Brand is what I will cherish with all my life. I will commit myself to one thing and one thing only,
which is to spread the beauty of Luo Lih-fen.” -
16“Quality is what matters in market competition ------products are the lifeline of Luo Lih-fen Group and the
weapon to won more customers.” -
17“We care about every inch of your skin, and we will repair your skin layer-by-layer-------------healthy skin
comes from regional care, and we strive to make all beautiful by taking care of their skin.” -
18“Professional skill is the lifeline, while service is the life span; the brand relies on the lifeline as well
as the life span.
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