
Love in the Moment | Luo Lih-Fen Group Held December Birthday Party

Source:Luo Lih-Fen Group LLF20210049 Views:3784 Postdate:2021-12-21

Time flies like an arrow and seasons rotate from spring to summer, autumn, and winter. In a twinkling, 2021 has come to an end. The last birthday party of this year was held in the Leisure Center at 6/F on the afternoon of December 17 to make employees management warmer and increase care for employees. The Human Resources Administration Department prepared the collective birthday party for birthday people of this month in order to let employees feel the care and warmth of the big family of Luo Lih-Fen Group when they are away from busy work.


General Manager Lin Jianping sent wishes on behalf of our Group and wished everyone a happy birthday. He appreciated everyone's contribution to our Group in the past year and hoped everyone can be always happy and satisfied in the following days.


Ceremonies are indispensable for a happy life, because ceremonies can make us feel beauties of life. But the December birthday party is not only a ceremony but our Group's care for employees. A loving community and a warm management mode can build a unique team with indefinite potential, and create different cultural heritage.

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