
2021 LUO LIH-FEN “UP” Beauty Business Leaders Summit Grandly Starting!

Source:2021 LUO LIH-FEN “UP” Beauty Business Leaders Summit Grandly Starting! Views:6077 Postdate:2021-05-28

After suffering a difference making year, every company is more eager for growth in 2021 than ever before. Survival comes from nothing but growth!

What kinds of change tendency will the consumption market show us in 2021? Is the change of consumption behaviors traceable in the complicated business laws? The uncertainty and numerous challenges in the economic development also activated more robust vigor of the business community.


Now let’s learn the past to understand the future, review the chances and changes brought by 2020 and explore the consumption tendency of beauty industry in 2021 to provide valuable guidance about the growth of brand market in 2021.

On March 27, 2021, “UP” LUO LIH-FEN League Leaders Summit was held in Regal Palace Hotel Dongguan. The event attracted many economics professors, industry experts, and doctors from institutions of higher learning and more than 1200 excellent partners in the LUO LIH-FEN alliance system, who got together to share the insight about the market economy tendency launched after the “14th 5-year plan” of China, discuss the marketing reform and growth innovation of development of beauty industry and introduce more wisdom, thinking and creativity into the industry.


In 2020-2021, we insists on the initial aspiration of win-win cooperation of “Great Undertakings Union—joint force for new era” and walk through the mist hand in hand with all the partners. LUO LIH-FEN, the Chairman, also presented her sincere best wishes to all the family members on the video from the other side of the strait.

“All the great achievements growth from tiny progress. Over the past 36 years, LUO LIH-FEN has developed from a single store into today’s Great Undertakings Union system. All these achievements are made because of our persisting in the belief of supreme professionalism and craftsman service. All the brands under LUO LIH-FEN believe in the operation concept of professionalism determining beauty, constantly upgrade to provide the quality and effective products to all the consumers and spread “Beauty” to every corner of the world. In addition, we bears generous love in our heart and keep making contributions to the public charity to transmit the energy of love and beauty with our practice. We will carry out “helping the peasants” activity and hope that more people will join us. LUO LIH-FEN will present herself in front of the world with the upward heart and the consistent strength. Thank you all for your support. We will witness a more beautiful future together!”

--- LUO LIH-FEN, the Chairman


Exploring the industry tendency and focusing on the new opportunities

With the release of the 14th Five-Year Plan, the trend of national market economy began to change. Therefore, Yang Haiyang, a professor from Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, was invited to attend the summit again to make an in-depth analysis around the future growth opportunities of the service industry. Only by following the commercial laws of national economic development and seeing the development trends can we grasp the future business experience.

“The National Bureau of Statistics announced that the national economy maintained a recovery growth in January and February ... The service industry gradually recovered, and the business activity index of the service industry was in the expansion range. In the long run, the proportion of the tertiary industry would show an upward trend, and the beauty industry is included in the big health industry sector that the country will vigorously support in the future. All kinds of signs indicate that everything is moving towards an “upward trend”. With the steady recovery of the economy, after a round of silence, the big health industry will usher in new growth points.”

-Professor Yang Haiyang


(Professor Yang Haiyang from Southwestern University of Finance and Economics sharing wonderful courses)


Maintaining Strategic Strength and Achieving Steady Growth

Growth is the first proposition of an enterprise, and all links inside and outside the group need to bear the responsibility of growth, so that marketing can return to the essence of growth! The new ecology of intelligent, integrated, video and real-time marketing is constantly affecting the market structure. However, no matter how the external influencing factors change, it is necessary to stabilize the core strategic thinking of the Groups development, build a solid foundation, clearly and dialectically understand the relationship between opportunities and challenges, maintain the resilience and agility of business operations, and achieve sustainable growth in order to better cope with future opportunities, challenges and uncertainties; This is the strategic strength that the group should have.

Marketing will witness an era of great convergence in the future, in which core marketing elements such as data, content and scenes are fully opened up, and integrated services meet the needs of users. Brands need to have comprehensive and fast connectivity, flexibly adapt to user needs, and adapt to multiple communication methods, multiple high-quality content, and three-dimensional scene communication; keep pace with the times, quickly iterate marketing thinking and ability, open the “technology+” mode, upgrade the “all-connected” ability, and optimize user communication methods, so as to realize new value growth and occupy a high position in the new pattern!

—— Rao Huanwen, General Manager of LUO LIH-FEN Holding Group


(Rao Huanwen, General Manager of LUO LIH-FEN Holding Group, sharing the wonderful course)


Accumulating the power for elevation and chasing the light along the journey

“Believe in professionalism and determine on beauty”. We lay our basis on the love of the beauty industry and team value focusing on the loyalty to the mission and the supreme integrity. Sticking to the original aspiration of beauty in heart, wearing the colorful wings on the shoulders and bearing the beautiful dream along our travel, we will advance ahead on the road leading to a better future.

The marvelous achievements over the past 36 years of LUO LIH-FEN are drawn with

The dedicated attitude,

The persistent aspiration,

The consistent enthusiasm,

and The everlasting insistence.

“LUO LIH-FEN” is our common belief

“Luo Warriors” is our common identity

“Creating lifelong value for users” is our common mission

“Becoming No.1 Iron Army of Chinese Beauty” is our target to struggle for.



Despite the ever-changing tendency of age

Despite the path covered with thick thistles and thorns,

We never fear to start off for

Any piece of land to harvest miracles;

Starting off from spring, we are armed with the power from the ride through the fierce winter.

Starting off from the ordinary, we will finally make a shining future.

Accumulate the power for elevation and chase the light along the journey,

Because we will on a march to conquer the oceans and the universe!


Previous:Summit information| Luo Lih-Fen 2021 “REVIVE” Beauty Industry Leaders Summit Will Be Held Again
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