
Summit information| Luo Lih-Fen 2021 “REVIVE” Beauty Industry Leaders Summit Will Be Held Again

Source:罗丽芬集团 Views:5399 Postdate:2021-09-08

There is a theory of “spiral rise” in philosophy, that is, the growth path of S form: The growth is relatively slow in the initial cold start period, and then it goes through a period of rapid growth. Finally, when the curve approaches the ceiling, the growth rate gradually slows down again.

The biggest revelation of this curve to all business operators is that they need to find the new growth momentum in time before the growth begins to bear the pressure of the ceiling.


As the persistently-upgraded beauty industry market intensifies the competition among enterprises and novel technologies, new ideas/consumption patterns emerge one after another. How to gain insight into the core trend of market growth, how to seize consumers’ minds ASAP, and how to enhance the development space of enterprises.. these issues are not only the focus of industrial discussion today, but also the core that enterprises are most concerned about at present.

On July 26, Zunyi, Guizhou, Luo Lih-Fen 2021 “REVIVE” Beauty Industry Leaders Summit sounded the horn again. The Summit will bring together the founders of leading institutions in cultural promotion, big coffee makers in the service field, and 1000 + excellent partners in Luo Lih-Fen’s franchise system, talk about changes in the industry with “standards”, discern market opportunities with “trends”, plan ahead and seize the “commanding heights” with “intellectual heights”, and inject more wisdom and growth momentum into the industry.


In response to future challenges, Luo Lih-Fen has been taking every step with heart, exploring and examining the wind direction of the industry, and exploring the growth path of sustainable development in future together with all partners of the beauty industry Leaders Summit. Chairman Luo Lih-Fen, who is far away from the other side of the Taiwan Strait, also sent a sincere message to all the families through live video connection.

With the development of China’s beauty industry for more than 20 years, the beauty industry has created a better quality of life for everyone through commodities, and everyone’s deep yearning for a better life. In the frontier stage of 1989, Luo Lih-Fen embodied the value of Luo Lih-Fen with its own unique development. In the next 30 years, the management law of the beauty industry will put forward the higher requirements for us, and the industry’s demand for talents. What Luo Lih-Fen needs to do is to shape professional value and service value, stick to ingenuity and quality, constantly believe, constantly upgrade and optimize, lock in high-end and enhance strategic stickiness. When we return to our original heart, the most eternal thing is that “major is life, service is life”. If we stick to the bottom line and break through ourselves, we will stand firm in the history of the beauty industry and jointly write the era of Luo Lih-Fen! —— Chairman Luo Lih-Fen


Keep your pulse tight and talk about changes with “standards”.

Follow the flexible adaptation and seize the opportunity. Conforming to the appeal from inside and outside the industry and the development trend in the over-all situation, the standardization process of the beauty industry is advancing with the development of the times. Especially in 2021, the legal management of the beauty industry ushered in a milestone breakthrough.

This year, the supporting laws and regulations, such as the Administrative Measures of Cosmetic Registration and Filing, the Regulations on the Management of Cosmetic Registration and Filing Data, and the Management of New Cosmetic Raw Materials, have officially take into effect, standardized the cosmetics production and operating activities, strengthened the supervision and management of cosmetics, and promoted the healthy development of the cosmetics industry. It indicates that beauty salons must step into the standardized operation track at a faster speed, and at the same time, it will set a threshold for many enterprises and bring about a major reshuffle of the cosmetics industry.


In the midst of many challenges, brands need to have comprehensive and quick response ability, flexibly adapt to the market demand, adapt to the industrial standards, upgrade their “full connection” ability, carry out the professional innovation around the standards of laws and regulations, strengthen brand value and shape the image of the beauty industry, to occupy a high position in the new pattern!


Find Opportunities One Step Faster under the Tide

With the intensified supervision, the core of market competition is constantly shifting to R&D, and therefore, the professional innovation under the standard is particularly important. Only by finding a direction “one step faster” can we get a growth path! At the meeting, general manager Rao Huanwen also made a “wonderful forecast” on the new momentum for the marketing growth of the Group in the second half of the year. He mentioned that in 2021, under the change, not only the industrial ecology, but also the public consumption’s re-cognition of health and beauty will be changed. “Trendy” will be the key word for the development of the beauty industry in the next decade. The integration of ecological beauty + technological beauty + household beauty is just what consumer’s need. It is not only an extension of the concept of the beauty industry, but also an upgrade of concept and innovation of the model. China’s big market is in the era of consumption upgrading, and the consumption demand of the beauty industry, cosmetics and great health is constantly rising, which brings huge consumption potential under the appearance economy. —— Rao Huanwen, General Manager of Luo Lih-Fen Group


Root down and grow up.

The times are rushing forward and we never stop, From one market to another, from one corner to the world stage. It stems from the love of the beautiful cause, but also from the pioneering belief of the practitioners in the beauty industry who are sincere and persistent.

It’s not only the youth to exploit,

Yet the pioneers are always young.

For the long march of the vast beauty industry,

We aim to build a bright journey accompanied with our ideas,

And the new youth that get together with identical belief write vows with their youth.

—— “Create the beauty of youth with my youth”

All things are well prepared.

The story of practitioners in the beauty industry has been unfolding in the field of hope.

In the story, there will be the year for the outbreaking rise of domestic products.

In the story, there will be an ingenious belief in the inheritance.

In the story, “belief in profession” will make a sound all over the world.

In the story, “determination to be beautiful” will ignite the flame of REVIVE.

Being upward and fearless, every step comes with a change.

For REVIVE, every moment is dancing.

A bright future will come as what we expect at the dream.

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