
Love shines the enterprise! Student-Helping Charitable activity of LUO LIH-FEN 2018 "Caring for Spring Buds"

Source:LUO LIH-FEN Group LLF20180014 Views:7183 Postdate:2018-08-24

What's the hardest part of going to college? Presumably most people are conditioned to think it is the college entrance examination! However, that is not the case. For some poor students, it is not the scores of the college entrance exam that determine whether they can go to college or not, but the tuition fee on the admission letter.

Nine-year compulsory education gives all students who are eager for knowledge the opportunity to receive basic education, but what about nine years later? 


It seems that the poor students who cannot afford the tuition are farther and farther away from their dreams. In order to carry forward the spirit of social welfare and help more students with dreams, enter universities successfully and start a journey to fulfill their dreams, on the morning of August 24th, the financial aid granting ceremony of 2018 "Caring for Spring Buds, together with love" was conducted in Women and Children's Activities Center and jointly sponsored by Xiamen Women's Federation and Women and Children Development Foundation. As the representative of the enterprise, president LUO LIH-FEN participated in the donation activity for more than 100 funded students together with caring people from all walks of life in Xiamen, caring enterprises and chairmen of Xiamen Women's Federation of all districts.


"Dream makes you the most beautiful and hope goes with you" is the interpretation of the dream of LUO LIH-FEN. 33 years of precipitation makes us cherish the infinite power brought by love and hope. For a long time, LUO LIH-FEN Group has always regarded the maximum energy of spreading beauty and love as the eternal pursuit, endeavored to fulfill the corporate role of social responsibility, persisted in sparing no effort in devoting itself to the construction of social public welfare, continued to participate in public education. The Group regularly donates money to help poor students to realize their dreams every year!

We look forward to great number of outstanding students' successful completion of study. We hope that they can bravely overcome hardships, turn the corner and achieve their own goal of life; they can join hands with LUO LIH-FEN to carry on the cause of love so that the spirit of great love can shine at every needed corner!

The cause of beauty needs a heart of great love. LUO LIH-FEN Group is a company that studies beauty, produces beauty and spreads beauty. Its profit formula is not just a series of numbers, but also the warmth and happiness index it creates.


Previous:GOOD NEWS| President LUO LIH-FEN is reappointed consecutively the vice chairman of "the Council of Xiamen Women and Children Development Foundation (2nd session)"
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