
Reunion at Chinese Valentines Day and Destined to Meet you.

Source:LUO LIH-FEN Group LLF20180013 Views:6809 Postdate:2018-08-21

        On August 17th, 2018 "Reunion at Chinese Valentine's Day and Destined to meet you" fellowship activity was organized in Zhangzhou Taiwanese Investment Zone. A total of nearly 200 single young workers participated in the activity, including the workers from government departments, enterprise and public institutions, Taiwan-funded enterprises and military personnel in active service. In order to further carry forward and inherit the traditional culture of Chinese Valentine's Day and enrich the amateur cultural life of young people in the whole region, a good platform for making friends and exchanges was built to enhance mutual learning and communication among young friends and provide opportunities for young men and women to make friends, which better organizes, guides and serves young people for them to participate in the construction of "Wealthy and beautiful Taiwanese Investment Zone, Happy new Jiaomei". There were fun games at the scene, and finally the young people watched Elirope Raiders that was first released at that day. Cai Shiying, deputy director of the Management Committee, took part in the event. This activity is sponsored by the Work Committee of the Zhangzhou Taiwanese Investment Zone, undertook by the Zhangzhou Taiwanese Investment Zone League Committee, the Jiaomei Town League Committee and the Propaganda and Cultural Service Center, co-organized by the Taiwanese Investment Zone Branch of Zhangzhou Agricultural and Commercial Bank and Huacai Wanxing International Cinema of Zhangzhou Taiwanese Investment Zone. We actively participated in the holding of this activity.


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