
2021 Commendation Conference for Outstanding Employees and Teams Held by Luo Lih-Fen Group

Source:Luo Lih-Fen Group LLF20220007 Views:3925 Postdate:2022-02-09

Time flies. The busy year 2021 has passed, and the year 2022 full of expectations is coming to us. To commend the outstanding employees and outstanding teams who have made outstanding achievements in 2021, on February 8, the 2021 Commendation Conference for Outstanding Employees was held in the cinema on the first floor of the Company. General manager Rao Huanwen and other leaders, as well as outstanding employees and outstanding team representatives attended the commendation meeting.

Mr. Rao Huanwen, general manager of the Group, delivered a speech: Thank you very much for the efforts made by every employee in the Company, and express sincere respect and gratitude to the employees who stick to their posts! I hope that in the new year of 2022, we may do better and better, and everyone may learn more things in the Company and write a new chapter for the development of Luo Lih-Fen!


Award for Outstanding Employees and Teams:

(Excellent Manager of the Year)

(Outstanding Employee of the Year)


(Best Proposal of the Year Award)


(Service Star of the Year)


(Annual sales Star)


(Excellent Grass-Roots Supervisor)

(Best Professional Award of the Year)


(Excellent Engineering Technicians)


(Best New Recruit & Excellent Safety Officer of the Year)


(Safety Pacesetter of the Year)


(Some leaders at the meeting place took photos with outstanding employees)

The Conference reached a successful conclusion at 17:00pm. In 2021, all employees made hard and painstaking efforts. I hope everyone may continue to contribute to the high-quality development of the Company in the new year.

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