
Deputy Director Fang Longhui and His Delegation from the Municipal Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office Visited Our Company

Source:Luo Lih-Fen Group LLF20220004 Views:4156 Postdate:2022-02-14

As the Spring Festival is approaching, Deputy Director Fang Longhui and other leaders from the Municipal Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office visited our company for research on January 21, accompanied by Huang Tianshou, Level IV Division Rank Official of the Management Committee of the Taiwan Investment Zone, Zheng Xinjian, Director-General of the Party & Masses Department, etc. Our Group’s Rao Huanwen, Vice President and Wang Zhenhua, Deputy General Manager of Administration received the care, greetings and New Year wishes from the Municipal Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office on behalf of our Company.

During the visit, Deputy Director Fang had an informal discussion with our Company’s senior leaders. He showed his appreciation for our Company’s contribution to the development of Zhangzhou over the years and encouraged our Company to continue to make new breakthroughs in the new year and make new contributions to the integrated development between Zhangzhou and Taiwan. 


Previous:Secretary Lan Hanyi and His Delegation from the Commission for Discipline Inspection of Taiwan Investment Zone Visited Our Company
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