
Caring Blood Donation Delivers Warmth—Our Company Participated in the Joint Voluntary Blood Donation Activity held by Party Branches of Tax Bureau and Enterprises of Zhangzhou Taiwanese Investment Zon

Source:Luo Lih-Fen Group LLF20210047 Views:3053 Postdate:2021-12-09


Our company organized actively employees to participate in the joint voluntary blood donation activity held by Party branches of tax bureau and enterprise of Zhangzhou Taiwanese Investment Zone on the morning of November 30 to fulfill social responsibilities zealously and demonstrate our company's image.


In the field of blood donation, employees who donated their blood cooperated with staff to register, fill forms, get tests, etc. in a orderly manner. They began to donate blood after passing tests.


Drops of blood contains deep sincere love. Blood is the source of lives. Voluntary blood donation can save lives and deliver love. Our company's employees took practical actions to interpret the spirit of selfless contribution and demonstrate their noble morality of being zealous in public welfare. In the future, our company will organize more public welfare activities and hold socially useful activities on a normal and regular basis to warm and care for our society.

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