
Luo Lih-Fen Groups October Birthday Party | Destined Birthday Brings You Special Warmth!

Source:Luo Lih-Fen Group LLF20210039 Views:3844 Postdate:2021-10-29

Autumn comes quietly in October.

Autumn is a harvest season.

Maybe thats

why people born in autumn are always gentle and bright.

In these seemingly ordinary autumn days,

we still love our work and life.

Hope the birthday party that comes

as scheduled can bring happiness to

people who were born in October and let them get rid of tiredness in autumn.

The birthday party site decorated elaborately by the Human Resources Administration Department is full of warmth,

with cakes sweet like first love

and all kinds of desserts and fruits.


Director of Supervision Xu Debao gave a speech on behalf of our company: We should thank Luo Lih-Fen Group for providing us with such a good platform so that we have a chance to gather here; we should thank President and Vice-president for giving us such a wonderful birthday party in the post-pandemic era; at the same time, thank members of the Human Resources Administration Department for everything they prepared elaborately for us.


The warm and happy atmosphere came into being as the song "Happy Birthday" was playing. When the birthday people received cakes, they did not only taste the sweet and delicious cakes but also felt the love and care towards them from our company. At the end of the birthday party, we watched the film titled Warm Hug together with joy and pleasure.

Birthday has a special meaning.

There is a moving that the collective remembers your birthday.

There is a love that immerses employees in silently.

Deep love converges at employees birthday parties.

We are so lucky that we can gather here in our most beautiful days. Strive together, advance together.

Thanks for your companionship in the beautiful times.

Luo Lih-Fen Group wishes walk with you all the way in the future.

Happy birthday and stay young forever,

birthday people of October!

Previous:Xue Weimin, Vice-Chairman of the Provincial Committee of CPPCC & Chairman of the Provincial Committee of Zhi Gong Party, and His Delegation Visited Our Company for Research
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