
The Attentive Service of the Emergency Management Bureau of Zhangzhou Taiwan Investment Zone Promotes the Development of Enterprises

Source:Luo Lih-Fen Group LLF20210038 Views:3755 Postdate:2021-10-29

Production safety management is an important basis for enterprises development. Despite of its heavy workload, the Emergency Management Bureau of Zhangzhou Taiwan Investment Zone still came tirelessly to companies to publicize production safety and epidemic prevention and control with relevant guidance, which solves the problems of production safety for enterprises, promotes enterprises advance and keeps guard over companies stable development.

Wu Xuefei, Director of the Emergency Management Bureau of Taiwan Investment Zone and his delegation visited Juwenlee (Fujian) Cosmetics Co., Ltd. on June 25, 2021. They conducted research and gave guidance on production safety management and publicity activities of the National Safety Month, aiming at further improving production safety, firmly establishing the concept of safe development and steadily impressing people with safety publicity. The bureau took the publicity of the new Work Safety Law as a chance to increase safety publicity efforts, mobilize enterprises to conduct various activities including regular production safety publicity activities, safety education and safety training, help employees acquire more safety knowledge and first-aid skills and improve the ability to deal with emergencies, guide companies to create safety publicity voluntarily, encourage companies to establish an internal mechanism of self-restraint and continuous improvement.


In the face of the sudden and severe epidemic in September, the Emergency Management Bureau of Taiwan Investment Zone bore the important responsibility for the epidemic prevention and control of enterprises. The Bureau deployed and implemented various works of the epidemic prevention and control, assigned duties and missions to each position, and stuck to the frontline of the epidemic prevention and control. Moreover, the leaders took various staff personally during the holiday and rest days to enterprises to research the real situation and difficulties. In order to complete the task of nucleic acid testing for employees and their family members in a rapid and effective way, Wu Xuefei, Director of the Emergency Management Bureau of Taiwan Investment Zone cared about companies urgent needs and organized temporary sites of nucleic acid testing for enterprises in the Zone. The corresponding leaders took their teams to nucleic acid testing sites of each company and check the details of nucleic acid testing and gave commands. After a fight round the clock, the tasks of nucleic acid testing are finished successfully. Besides, the Bureau gave companies guidance on epidemic prevention and control and led companies to win the critical fight against the epidemic.

Responsibilities are on the shoulder at the moment of the epidemic. We witnessed the tenacity and commitment of staff from the Emergency Management Bureau during the day and night of epidemic prevention and control. Their high professional ethics shall be respected. We will pursue this spirit with actions, make efforts to implement various tasks of production safety management of our company, and strive to become a model unit of safety management, to show our appreciation for staff from the Emergency Management Bureau.



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