
Warmly Congratulate JIAWENLI(Fujian) Cosmetics Co., Ltd.’s Was Awarded the Trainee Unit for Graduates of Municipal Colleges and Universities

Source:LUO LIH-FEN Group Views:7265 Postdate:2017-06-06

      JIAWENLI(Fujian) Cosmetics Co., Ltd. has been fully exerting its enthusiasm and initiative since its establishment to improve the quality of talents. The company positively responds to the call of the government to implement the spirit of Notice of the People's Government of Zhangzhou City on Doing a Good Job in the Employment of Graduates of Regular Institutions of Higher Education in 2016 and provides more and more efficient employment and internship positions for college graduates in order to provide comprehensive work for them so that they can take up an occupation as soon as possible. In the August of 2016, afterconsiderated and decided by Zhangzhou Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, JIAWENLI(Fujian) Cosmetics Co., Ltd. was approved to become the second batch of employment and internship base for university graduates.

Previous:“Labor Union Helps Students in Golden Autumn”-- 2016 LUO LIH-FEN Group: Together with Beauty and Love
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