
"One Small Step for Service, One Giant Leap for Progress"—LUO LIH-FEN Group Held the Service Awareness Sharing Symposium in August

Source:LUO LIH-FEN Group Views:7181 Postdate:2017-06-06

     On the afternoon of August 29th, the service awareness sharing symposium of LUO LIH-FEN Group was held in the multimedia hall that was carefully organized by GLINGLUO department, the first sales department of the company, and invited employees of various departments to attend the symposium.

       Wang Yanru, manager of LUO LIH-FEN Group, brought a wonderful course about service awareness. At the symposium, she emphasized that it is important to improve service quality and service awareness of staff and the attitude of work determines everything, which must be straightened and should not be taken personally. It is necessary that the staff always keep the working principles in mind. The awareness that tries to put yourself in the other's shoes when dealing with anything should be improved so that all members of the company can truly improve their personal qualities and service quality.

Wonderful Course Sharing of Manager Wang Yanru

Working Experience Sharing of Members of LUO LIH-FEN

Awarding Session


        After the symposium, the staff benefited a lot and they were eager to share their own conclusions! The successful completion of "month of service awareness sharing" also helped all staff to face their own work orientation comprehensively and clarify their individual work goals. The company also hopes that everyone will bring the service awareness into work and life in the future with positive and optimistic attitude and the spirit of dedication. The staff should fulfill their duties while better service should be provided to others, to work, and to the Group. The company believes that with everyone's concerted efforts, not only individuals, but also every department, and even the group will make great progress and development with the service concept of "one small step for service, one giant leap for progress".

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