
"Inheriting the Commemoration of Quyuan, Celebrating the 100th Anniversary, and Achieving New Development through the Cooperation between the Company and the Taxation Bureau" Our Company Held the Cont

Source:Luo Lih-Fen Group LLF20210023 Views:3593 Postdate:2021-06-15

The annual traditional Dragon Boat Festival is coming with great love and the fragrance of reed leaves. In order to promote the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation and experience the rich cultural connotation of the Dragon Boat Festival, on the afternoon of June 10, the Company and the Non-Public Party Committee, the Communist Youth League, the Taxation Bureau, the Labor Union, and the Family Planning Association of Taiwanese Investment Zone jointly held a contest of making Zongzi on the second floor of the company's canteen with the theme of "Inheriting the Commemoration of Quyuan, Celebrating the 100th Anniversary, and Achieving New Development through the Cooperation between the Company and the Taxation Bureau".

Lin Jianping, General Manager of the Company, thanked all the leaders for coming, thanked all the participants for their efforts in cultural inheritance, and wished all the players get excellent results.


Everyone was in place and the contest began.


Reed leaves were dancing while the strings were shuttling


Everyone engaged actively so that the contest was filled with a festive atmosphere.


After intense competition, the contest ended. The judges awarded honorary certificates and red envelopes to individuals who won the first, second, and third prizes, and the participants were awarded encouragement awards.


Everyone said that they are very happy to celebrate the traditional festival in the form of a contest of making Zongzi, and they will contribute to the development of Taiwanese Investment Zone in their respective posts and present excellent results for the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Party.

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