
Good News! Warm Congratulations to Our Company for being Awarded the Titles of "Group Standard Drafting Unit" and "Anti-epidemic Advanced Unit"

Source:Luo Lih-Fen Group LLF20210011 Views:4157 Postdate:2021-04-09

The 2020 Annual Meeting of Fujian Daily Chemicals Association and the Commendation Conference for Advanced Member Enterprises was successfully held in Fliport Hotel Zhangzhou Yuanshan on April 7, 2021. The conference grandly commended the 2020 anti-epidemic advanced enterprises and group standard drafting units. Our company was pleased to be awarded these honors and awards. Chen Linlin, Manager of the company's Quality Assurance Department, attended the conference and accepted the awards on behalf of the company.

Honor Commendation for Group Standard Drafting Units


In 2020, the Association organized a number of companies to participate in the standard preparation process including project initiation, drafting, asking for opinions, technical review, publication, etc., regarding six group standards including the "Determination of Migratable Fluorescent Brighteners in Cosmetic Packaging Materials", etc. The company acted as the leading enterprise and received honor commendations from the Daily Chemicals Association at the conference.

Commendation for Anti-epidemic Advanced Enterprises


With the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic in 2020, the company actively participated in the fight against the epidemic and contribute its own strength. This commendation is the full recognition for the company's efforts. The company will continue to work hard and demonstrate the company's strong sense of social responsibility.

       (Source of the passage: Fujian Daily Chemicals Association, website:

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