
Warm Congratulations to Our Company on Winning the Advanced Unit of Zhangzhou Family Planning Association

Source:Luo Lih-Fen Group LLF20200027 Views:3994 Postdate:2020-11-24

On October 19, Zhangzhou Family Planning Association held the Seventh Member Representative Conference. Our company was awarded the Advanced Unit of Zhangzhou Family Planning Association, and Wang Zhenhua, assistant general manager of administration, was elected as the vice president of the 7th Council of Zhangzhou Family Planning Association.


This is the recognition and encouragement for the family planning service of our company from Zhangzhou Family Planning Association. In recent years, under the correct guidance of family planning associations at all levels, our company has made efforts to improve the service level and consolidate the basic management. The company will continue to endeavor to improve the work level and service efficiency of family planning associations and make positive contributions to the construction of a vibrant, standardized, orderly, and harmonious society.

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