
Distinguished Guests in Cosmetic Industry of 5 Provinces and 1 City Come to Our Company for Visiting and Guiding

Source:Luo Lih-Fen Group LLF20200026 Views:4381 Postdate:2020-11-12

The 14th Daily Cosmetic Cooperation Conference of Five Provinces and One City and the 4th Summit Forum of Fujian Daily Cosmetic Chamber of Commerce were held in Xiamen in November. In the morning of November 10th, guests of cosmetics industry in Zhejiang province, Jiangsu province, Shandong province, Fujian province, Guangdong province and Shanghai visited our company for guidance.


(Visit Showroom)
(Visit Technique Center)
((Visit Staff Activity Center)
(Take Photo for Souvenir)

In the situation of the sudden outbreak of COVID-19, the challenges and opportunities coexist. Through this visit, guidance, exchange and thought collision with guests from the same industry, we can learn from each and make progress together. As a representative enterprise of Fujian Daily Cosmetic Chamber of Commerce, our company will seize the development opportunity of cosmetics industry, strive to enhance its technological innovation, put forward higher requirements for products, further promote the high-quality development of enterprises, and contribute to the healthy development of Beauty industry!

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