
Focusing on the Implementation of Enterprise-School Cooperation in Confronting the Epidemic

Source:Luo Lih-Fen Group LLF20200009 Views:5090 Postdate:2020-05-12

In the morning of May 9, Wang Zhenhua, Deputy Administration Manager and Xu Zhidian, Production Director, Secretary of Party Branch and Chairman of the Labor Union of Juwenlee (Fujian) Cosmetics Co., Ltd., came to Jinshan Central Primary School, Zhangzhou Taiwanese Investment Zone, donating 500 boxes of antimicrobial soap to the school as a support for the successful resumption of study and work for students and teachers there as well as for their health and daily prevention and control of the epidemic.


Chen Weifang, Secretary of Party Branch and Principal of Jinshan Central Primary School accepted the materials for prevention and control donated by our Company on behalf of all teachers and students, introduced their work carried out before the recent resumption of study and work, personally led our staff to try the disinfectant access out.


"Under this special period of confronting the epidemic, disinfection is of great importance in confronting the epidemic to ensure the health and safety of teachers and students of the school; as an enterprise, we have a social responsibility for contributing to their prevention and control of the epidemic, hoping to show our social responsibility, spread public welfare positive energy, build a protective wall for their health, give aid to their prevention and control of the epidemic, and cooperatively safeguard the school where our future generations grow and study, by donating these materials" Wang Zhenhua, Deputy Administration Manager of the Company said.


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