
Tax Policies Focusing on "Four Actions" for Confronting the Epidemic and Promoting the Development Publicized to Juwenlee

Source:Luo Lih-Fen Group LLF20200008 Views:4856 Postdate:2020-04-28

On April 24, 2020, Lin Tongyuan, Director of the 1st Branch, Zhangzhou Taiwanese Investment Zone Tax Service, State Taxation Administration, leading several young civilized officers of the Branch, visited our Company and publicized tax policies focusing on "four actions" for confronting the epidemic and promoting the development, Wang Zhenhua, Deputy Administration Manager, Zhang Xiuqiong, Deputy Chief Financial Officer, Xu Zhidian, Secretary of Party Branch and other staff warmly welcomed them and participated in the activity.


Mr. Lin, Director of the 1st Branch and other officers looked over the Honor Wall, Product Gallery, knew the work carried out in the prevention and control of the epidemic during our resumption of work and production, the problems, difficulties we confronted and our appeals, listened to our ideas and advice. They also publicized the tax policies, answered questions concerning the policies and answered our concerns.


"The prevention and control of the epidemic is a comprehensive work, more than just a matter of medicine and health, carrying out measures like tax reduction and exemption, deferred declaration and payment, periodical reduction and exemption of social insurance fees, speed-up of tax refunds and other preferential policies and services, to let enterprises feel the "warmth from taxation authority" under such situation, effectively lighten the burdens of enterprises and help them accelerate their resumption of work and production" the authority specified.


Previous:Focusing on the Implementation of Enterprise-School Cooperation in Confronting the Epidemic
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