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    Luo Lifen has been in business for 30 years. From beauty salon to founder of brand group.

    At the age of fifteen, she was an apprentice in a beauty salon. At the age of 19, she opened a beauty salon as a boss. Then she founded the first beauty and body company in Taiwan in 1986. She entered the mainland in 2002 and set up her own brand production factory in Xiamen.More than 30 years , Luo Lifen is now the president of Luo Lifen Holdings, relying on its three own brands to steadily flag the mainland provinces and cities.

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    Good News|Our company won the second prize of the project and the title of employee innovation master in the "Zhangzhou city sixth staff "five small" innovation competition activities"

    our company has improved and enhanced the enthusiasm and innovation ability of our employees, therefore the" Cryogenic Distillation Method for the Preparation of Natural Rose Essential Oil" was awarded the second prize of the project in the "Zhangzhou city sixth staff "five small" innovation competition activities" . At the same time, our company employee Lin Xiaofeng won the title of "Innovative Expert".

  • 07


    LUO LIH-FEN Group Was Awarded the Benevolent Enterprise of 2015 "Nonprofit Blood Donation of Ten Thousand Employees from Hundreds of Enterprises"

    On the afternoon of March 1st, 2016, the 11th Session of the 12th Executive Board Meeting of Xiamen Federation of Industry and Commerce (General Chamber of Commerce) was held in the 2nd Huating hall of Xinyue Building, C&D Hotel, Huli, Xiamen. More than 350 people, including the Xiamen Federation of Industry and Commerce, leaders of the Chamber of Commerce, members of the 12th executive committee and supervisors attended the meeting. Xu Zhidian, chairman of the labor union of LUO LIH-FEN Group, attended the meeting on behalf of the Group.

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    GOOD NEWS|Jia Wenli (Fujian) Cosmetics Co., Ltd. has been certified through the management system of integrating IT application with industrialization

    According to the standard (GB/T 23001-2017) of The Requirements of Informatization and Industrialization Integration Management System, Jia Wenli (Fujian) Cosmetics Co., Ltd. has been formally certified through the management system of "Integrating IT Application with Industrialization" and was awarded the Management System Certificate of "Integrating IT Application with Industrialization" on July 27th, 2018.

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    GOOD NEWS| President LUO LIH-FEN is reappointed consecutively the vice chairman of "the Council of Xiamen Women and Children Development Foundation (2nd session)"

    Xiamen Women and Children Development Foundation (hereinafter referred to as the Foundation) was combined and renamed in 2011 by Xiamen Women Development Foundation and Xiamen Children Welfare Foundation. The Foundation always persists in promoting the spirit of humanitarianism and Chinese nations purpose of "helping the poor and saving the needy" and actively carrying out the "Spring Buds Program", relief for poverty-stricken women and children, relief for disaster, relief for poverty and other forms of social assistance. LUO LIH-FEN Group has set up the "LUO LIH-FEN Charity Fund" with a high degree of social responsibility and practical action to help poor women and children and fund scholarship for students. For many years, the Group has been actively engaged in social public welfare activities and has made due contributions to promote the development of charity, which was widely praised by all sectors of society.

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    Love shines the enterprise! Student-Helping Charitable activity of LUO LIH-FEN 2018 "Caring for Spring Buds"

    It seems that the poor students who cannot afford the tuition are farther and farther away from their dreams. In order to carry forward the spirit of social welfare and help more students with dreams, enter universities successfully and start a journey to fulfill their dreams, on the morning of August 24th, the financial aid granting ceremony of 2018 "Caring for Spring Buds, together with love" was conducted in Women and Childrens Activities Center and jointly sponsored by Xiamen Womens Federation and Women and Children Development Foundation. As the representative of the enterprise, president LUO LIH-FEN participated in the donation activity for more than 100 funded students together with caring people from all walks of life in Xiamen, caring enterprises and chairmen of Xiamen Womens Federation of all districts.

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    Reunion at Chinese Valentines Day and Destined to Meet you.

    On August 17th, 2018 "Reunion at Chinese Valentines Day and Destined to meet you" fellowship activity was organized in Zhangzhou Taiwanese Investment Zone. A total of nearly 200 single young workers participated in the activity

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    Pursuing standards for development

    On August 13th, 2018, Wang Wanxu (President of the China Research Institute of Daily Chemical Industry), Fan Ping (professor level senior engineer/ deputy director) and Lu Jian (professor level senior engineer / director of the National Cosmetics Quality Supervision and Inspection Center) and other leaders visited our company accompanied by Lin Jianping (general manager of Jia Wenli). They exchanged views on how to promote industry standards with the general manager of the Group, Rao Huanwen. Meanwhile, they affirmed our achievements in the development of professional products and our participation in the development of industry standardization, and they encouraged us to continue to make achievements.

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