
"Nonprofit Blood Donation of Ten Thousand Employees from Hundreds of Enterprises"—LUO LIH-FEN’s Public Blood Donation Deliver Positive Energy

Source:LUO LIH-FEN Group Views:6892 Postdate:2017-01-17

  On the afternoon of January 14th, 2017, the fourth "Nonprofit Blood Donation of Ten Thousand Employees from Hundreds of Enterprises", jointly sponsored by Xiamen Federation of Industry and Commerce (General Chamber of Commerce), Xiamen Center Blood Station and Xiamen Voluntary Blood Donor Association, kicked off the love transmission in the Zhongshan Road of Xiamen. Xiamen Beauty Cosmetics Industry Association and all caring cosmetics enterprises participated in the opening ceremony of “Public Welfare Activity of Millions of Merchants’Blood Donation”. As a representative of the caring enterprise, LUO LIH-FEN Group was invited to attend this activity.

  The purpose of "Nonprofit Blood Donation of Ten Thousand Employees from Hundreds of Enterprises" was to ensure the need of blood for clinical use in the winter of Xiamen, save more dying people and promoted the healthy development of free blood donation in Xiamen. The activity was implemented from Sibei Blood Donation House, and the love wall of blood donation was set. The "torch of love" was passed between the business association and the caring enterprises in the way of the love relay. General manager Lin Jianping set good example for 30 staff of LUO LIH-FEN to participate in the blood donation activity. They showed love together to fill the grid of love with warm blood and warmth and they refueled for lives with love and infused the cold and winter in blood shortage with a steady stream of warmth.

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