
Friends Having Meal Together, Thanks to Heron Island|2018 Luo Lih-Fen Creating Wealth Grand Meeting is Completed!

Source:Luo Lih-Fen Group LLF20180023 Views:9624 Postdate:2018-11-30

From Good, to Wonderful

Is the process from a starting point to the other starting point

Are the intimate transmission, long-term appointment and accompany between all partners and us

Are our vision of igniting great union, synchronized escaladed cultivation and discovery

Even are the trust arrivals of everyone in Luo Lih-Fen family, poem and far place full of expectation

Thanks to you for 33 years extraordinary times, without leaving and giving up


Creating Wealth Together, Creating Future Together

At 22:00 on October 30th, 2018, witnessing Luo Lih-Fen Power-Beautiful Strength π|2018 Luo Lih-Fen Creating Wealth Grand Meeting (Xiamen Station) has successfully completed! No matter from the prophase plan or the later implementation, through more than two months of careful preparation with all staff, the Luo Lih-Fen brand has integrated the big shots and elites from many industries, such as scientific research, media, education, entertainment, etc., and presented a wonderful "listing" creating wealth event for all participated guests through a two-day full meeting schedule!

The cool and dazzling lighting, graceful and smart dance, charming fragrance ... In the colorful and dreamy atmosphere, the dinner has been officially kicked off, and everyone either toasted each other, or enjoyed the cuisine, or talked about career development. The lively and joyful atmosphere wrapped around the scene like sweet sugar coating the presence. ......


"Over the past 30 years, the beauty industry in China has developed swiftly and vigorously, and there are the cruel market competition and elimination behind the rapid prosperity. After seeing many people sadly leave the market, I have become more aware of the preciousness of keeping my initial intentions. I remind myself all the time: Do not go with the flow, do not be radical and impetuous, cultivate myself and move forward firmly in the numerous and disorderly world. No matter what kind of expectations we have to enter the beauty industry, we can still get together today without changing our original intentions, which prove that our persistence and choice are correct. "Glorious listing" is for the group and all dealer partners, and there will be even greater achievements and goals waiting for us to achieve together in the future! "

—— Chairman Luo Lih fen

After finishing the speech, the Chairman Luo Lih fen, brought the high-level management executives of the Group, and raised the glasses to drink with all the dealer partners and thousands of guests at the scene, wishing all the partners great achievements and prosperous achievements, and jointly opening the next brilliant 30 years of Luo Lih-Fen!


The Stars help out the atmosphere

With 33 years of development and precipitation, we have deeply understood the importance of brand development of enterprises, and users have a clear steel rule for measuring and shaping brand value; Therefore, no matter from the signing of celebrity spokespersons, or media advertising, R&D and production, to the holding each conference, all of them are surrounding the end-user experience, which is the primary factor. For this reason, besides the colorful performances in this thank-you dinner, we also invited two celebrities to help out the atmosphere, bringing a brand-new audio-visual feast to all the guests!

"Star" is shining, the applause is thundering, Hong Kong TVB gold medal actress, Guo Shaoyun acted in "Forensic Heroes", "Life in the Balance" and "King-making", sang the classic songs "Like You", "The Moon Represents My Heart" and "At least Here You Are", and interacted with the guests face to face to reproduce the wonderful film and television classics; Zhang Hongliang, the music talent, who won the top ten best songs and golden melody awards, is a powerful singer, also sang his masterpiece "Love in Hiroshima", "Do you know I am waiting for you", "Why do you love others behind my back" and many other songs with high popularity, which ignited the atmosphere of the scene, evoked the lush memories of all people, and triggered the climax of the party by thousands of people on the scene!


Of course, we all have the necessary invisible fixed links in every meeting, as the head of the group and the brightest legendary star in the industry – Chairman Luo Lih fen, will always bring us infinite warmth and surprise!

After singing and dancing, wine and cuisines, how can we lose a luxury gift? ! Multi-round lotteries, welfare release, fancy cars, famous watches, diamond rings … Take it away, take it away! There is a super ultimate prize - the car which is worth RMB 300,000 was announced, it attracted cheers and screams from the whole audience, and the excitement of the lucky winners could not be concealed!


There are countless happy moments, and celebration in various forms. For Luo Lih-Fen, this joy comes from the long-lasting initial intention and determination to be beautiful! Let us accompany with beauty, love life, everything changes, and love lasts forever.

Todays feast is not the end point, but the higher starting point

The passed days in our hearts, remember the mission and start from this moment

Seeking ingenuity works by professional way

Pursuing outstanding road by exquisite service

Create the new era of professional service together

To committed to become the respectful world-class beauty enterprise

Let the world be beautiful with Luo Lih-Fen!


Previous:All good things are on the way | 2019 LUO LIH-FEN Great Undertakings Union Strategy Plan Meeting was officially held.
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