
Luo Lih-Fen Group Holds March & April Joint Birthday Party | Sowing Hope, Harvesting Hapiness

Source:Luo Lih-Fen Group LLF20240015 Views:437 Postdate:2024-04-29


Spring quietly arrives, with distant green grass reaching the sky, spring swallows stirring up mud in front of us, and orioles singing in our ears. Everything lies in this beautiful season. Spring is a poem, a painting, and seems to be a garden of flowers. In this season of vibrant springtime, with tender green grass and the most beautiful April days, we welcome the March & April birthday party.

On the afternoon of April 25th, arranged by the Human Resources Department family, the birthday party proceeded as scheduled. At this birthday party, in addition to the usual birthday songs, making wishes, and cake-eating, Human Resources' family members also arranged a unique and fun planting activity. Spring is a season for sowing. Only with spring sowing can there be autumn harvest. The fun planting activity made this birthday party particularly meaningful.


The birthday party invited this month's birthday celebrator, Director Zhang Zhenggen from the Human Resources Department, to represent the group in sending blessings and care to all the birthday celebrators, and to thank the group and the Human Resources Department for preparing everything for all of them. He encouraged everyone to continue to carry forward the spirit of unity and hard work, unite and contribute wisdom and strength to the development of the group.


At the birthday party, the atmosphere was harmonious, filled with laughter and joy. The carefully prepared birthday cake and snacks filled the air with sweetness. Birthday wishes conveyed friendship, songs of blessings warmed the heart, and group photos captured sweet moments, preserving joyful smiles in memory.


The fun planting activity at this birthday party not only allowed everyone to exercise their hands-on and communication skills but also emphasized the idea of 'one's efforts will be rewarded'. It is hoped that the development of the Luo Lih-Fen Group and everyone's careers will grow bigger and better like the seedlings they planted by themselves. For a long time, the Group has always adhered to a people-oriented work philosophy. By carrying out heartwarming initiatives, actively implementing employee care and creating a warm atmosphere. it truly makes everyone feel the warmth of home' and the love's warmth.

Small seed

Carrying the dream of green

The wind in April blows gently

Everything looks its best

Plant a seed, harvest a hope

Sowing is an action, harvesting is a growth

Spring is in the air, and all the beauty is blooming with anticipation.

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