
Ke Yajing, Party Group Member and Full-time Vice President of Zhangzhou Family Planning Association and Guo Shaojing, Deputy Director of Taiwan Investment Zone Administrative Committee, together with

Source:Luo Lih-Fen Group LLF202220032 Views:3375 Postdate:2022-11-08


On November 4, Ke Yajing, Party Group Member and Full-time Vice President of Zhangzhou Family Planning Association, Guo Shaojing, Deputy Director of Taiwan Investment Zone Administrative Committee, and Zhang Furong, president of the Family Planning Association, visited the Company to publicize “the 20th Party Spirit” and investigate the implementation of the assigned tasks by the Family Planning Association here. Wang Zhenhua, Executive Vice President of the Company, Xu Zhidian, secretary of the party branch and chairman of the trade union, attended the study and accompanied the investigation.


During the investigation and study, Vice President Ke learned about the development status of the Company and the current implementation of the assigned tasks by the Family Planning Association here, discussed and exchanged with the leaders of the Company, shared the experience, feelings and gains on the 20th National Congress, and publicized the spirit of the 20th National Congress in combination with the family planning work. She stressed that the family planning work is closely related to not only the national economy and people’s livelihood, but also the long-term development, and enterprise development. She hoped that the Company could implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress into the whole implementation of the assigned tasks by the Family Planning Association here, and put the important decisions and deployments of the 20th National Congress into action one step at a time to achieve substantial results. As pointed out by the Deputy Director Guo, under the leadership of the state, the work of family planning has undergone major changes, mainly focusing on service. As a member of the Taiwanese business district, the Company shall also actively serve the Taiwanese business district, repay the whole society and the local people. Enterprises shall combine the spirit of the 20th Congress, while constantly promoting their own development, actively cooperate with the government, learn and publicize the spirit of the 20th Congress.

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