
Warmly Congratulate the Company on Being Awarded with the Base Legislative Contact Point in Fujian Province

Source:Luo Lih-Fen Group LLF20220012 Views:2856 Postdate:2022-04-08

To promote the democracy in the whole process and give full play to the role of the base legislative contact points in the administrative legislative work of our province, according to the Circular of the general Office of the People’s Government of Fujian Province on Establishing the Base Legislative Contact Points of the Provincial Government (M.Z.B. [2015] No. 136), the Announcement on Selecting a New Batch of the Base Legislative Contact Points of Fujian Provincial Government (M.S.G.G. [2021] No. 8) and the Work Instructions for the Base Legislative Contact Points of Fujian Provincial Government.

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It is an effective way for the people to participate in the legislation by connecting the base legislative contact point with the legislature. The incorporation of the Company as the base legislative contact point broadens the ways for nearby people to participate in the legislation, so that people can better participate in the legislative activities and put forward the legislative suggestions at their own doorstep. In future, the Company will make ongoing efforts in the legislative liaison work, and contribute to the legislature’s in-depth understanding of the base’s public opinions.

(Source: Fujian Justice, website:  

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