
"Afforestation, We Take Actions Again" The Party Branch of Luo LiH-Fen Group Launched the 2022 Tree-Planting Day Activities

Source:Luo LiH-Fen Group LLF20220009 Views:3088 Postdate:2022-03-10

Spring in March, the grasses are tall, and the nightingales are in the air. The chill of winter has not faded away. The spring is coming towards us with a breath of green. Spring is evident everywhere, and we are about to celebrate the annual "3.12" Tree-Planting Day.

On the morning of March 9th, under the leadership of party branch secretary Xu Zhidian, executive vice president Wang Zhenhua, and sales department vice president Wang Li, the party members and activists carried out the Tree-Planting Day activities with the theme of "Afforestation, We Take Actions Again" in front of the progress building and factory of our company, adding a beautiful scenery to the bright spring.


Under the leadership of the leaders of our company’s party branch, everyone worked together with enthusiasm. The scene was busy and orderly, digging, shoveling, hilling, and watering.


The launch of this activity not only played the vanguard and exemplary role and the spirit of solidarity and cooperation of party members but also conveyed the positive energy of green initiative, which made the concept of environmental protection more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people and led more people to join in the actions of planting trees, caring for the environment and protecting nature.


Plant a grain of seed, grow a piece of green, shovel a spade of soil, harvest thousands of forests, pour a pot of water, and look up at towering trees! At the coming of Tree-Planting Day in 2022, Luo LiH-Fen Group calls on everyone to protect the green home, plant thousands of hectares of green forest and support a blue sky together!

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