
Science based health care 丨 Choicom presentation of “Supporting Yang Culture Festival”

Source:罗丽芬集团 Views:4575 Postdate:2021-05-26


Beauty begins from health. To enable more women benefit from the health care approaches of LUO LIH-FEN, on March 26, before the summit of Up-Great Undertakings Union of LUO LIH-FEN Holding, Choicom, the technology health care brand of LUO LIH-FEN Holding, the brand partners, traditional Chinese medicine health care professors and experts gathered in Regal Palace Hotel to hold the presentation of “Supporting Yang Culture Festival” to advocate the precise health care based on combination of Chinese medicine and western medicine, bring spring back to the body, warm the uterus, focus on management of uterus age for women, wake up the functions asleep, rewrite the visual age and physical age of the women with the young, vigorous and positive energy and embrace of shiny happy life.


According to the World Health Organization survey, the sub-health population in the world has reached 70%. “Healthy China 2030 Plan Outline” promulgated by the State Council proposes to shift from “taking treatment as the center” to “taking health as the center”, so that the public can pay more attention to the health status, the demand for health care is increasing day by day, and the market development space of big health industry is expanding rapidly.

Choicom has been engaged in the precise health care study and brand development plan based on combination of modern medicine and Chinese traditional medicine and follows the strategy guidance of putting lights on both Chinese traditional medicine and western medicine in “Healthy China 2030 Plan Outline”. In the future, Choicom wishes to work with more partners sharing the same concept, explore the big health market and tend to more people with the demand of health care while fulfilling the self-value.


(Chen Hong, the vice general manager, sharing rewarding courses)

Ability creates value, and technology changes life. In the presentation, Choicom presented Yang Raising Cream and Uterus Age Management Series products to motivate the female functions, activate female charms, care for the gentle beauty of body, heart and soul of the women and the general and harmonious beauty of vigor with the scientific health care technology and safe and quality service experiences.

In addition, Professor Shen Jingguo, an expert in Chinese Traditional Medical Health Care, and Mr. Si Peng expounded the important influence of human body yang and pelvis on health. In the post-epidemic era when people pay more attention to health, the womens health maintenance mode advocated by Choicom Yang Supporting Culture Festival will create a warm “mini-sun” for womens health and play a positive role in health care.

(Professor Shen Jingguo sharing rewarding courses)


(Director Zhang Hong sharing rewarding courses)


(Mr. Si Peng sharing rewarding courses)

Choicom Yang Supporting Culture Festival embodied the care and attention from Choicom to female health issues. As a scientific health care brand born in the cradle of big love, the future strategy plan of Choicom will follow the national strategy closely, focus on mass health care issues, combine the internal with external forces, depend on the authority scientific institutes, constantly improve the scientific innovation capabilities, unite with more partners, expand the brand influence, attract more people to pay attention to health and tend to the health and beauty of women.


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