
Zhang Yiteng, Deputy Mayor of Zhangzhou City, and His Delegation Visited Our Company for Investigations

Source:Luo Lih-Fen Group LLF20210008 Views:4938 Postdate:2021-03-26


On the morning of March 24, Zhang Yiteng, Deputy Mayor of Zhangzhou City, led a group of leaders from the Municipal Government Office, Zhangzhou Customs, Municipal Bureau of Commerce, and Taiwanese Investment Zone to visit our company for investigations. Rao Huanwen, General Manager of the Group, Wang Zhenhua, Deputy General Manager of Administration, and Zhang Xiuqiong, Deputy General Manager of Finance accompanied them and gave work reports.


Deputy Mayor Zhang and his delegation visited the company's product exhibition hall

Deputy Mayor Zhang and his delegation visited the company's technology R&B center and communicated with the company's leaders on the company's current R&B projects and innovation.

At the investigation forum, Deputy Mayor Zhang proposed that enterprises can integrate with the strategic layout of "Great Zhangzhou", which includes that the food industry creates a "City of Gastronomy" and the daily chemical industry creates a "City of Beauty". Juwenlee Company is a dominant enterprise in the professional line of the daily chemical industry and has its own characteristics. The company ought to further promote brand awareness, expand the business scope, plan to build a tourist factory, and become a model of the daily chemical industry in Zhangzhou Taiwanese Investment Zone. At the same time, the company is supposed to plan to set up experience stores in the central urban area, further radiate and expand markets, deepen the domestic market, and enter into the international market. Relevant units should combine with the new urban planning of the Taiwanese Investment Zone to cooperate with and support Juwenlee Company to complete plant planning, and promote Jiawenli Company's development. Deputy Mayor Zhang hopes that the company can successfully list on the A-shares market as soon as possible.

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