
Glad Tidings! Warm Congratulations to Our Company on Winning the Title of 2020 "Meritorious Unit in Economic Development" of Zhangzhou Taiwanese Investment Zone

Source:Luo Lih-Fen Group LLF20210004 Views:4867 Postdate:2021-03-05

Recently, Zhangzhou Taiwanese Investment Zone issued the Decision on Commending the 2020 "Award for Outstanding Contribution to Economic Development", "Meritorious Unit in Economic Development" and "Large Taxpayer". Our company won the title of "Meritorious Unit in Economic Development" with a tax payment of 25.51 million yuan in 2020. Affected by COVID-19 in 2020, our company has still been able to seek improvement in stability, thanks to various government policies and measures. In the coming days, our company will continue to work hard, pioneering and forging ahead, and make further achievements.


Source: Minnan Daily

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