
Enterprises are also home, "Stay in Zhangzhou" to spend the New Year together

Source:Luo Lih-Fen Group LLF20210002 Views:4104 Postdate:2021-02-23

The Spring Festival of 2021 came as expected with increasing New Year atmosphere, and the home reunion expectation is also getting stronger. In order to reduce the flow of people and safeguard the fruits of the epidemic prevention and control, the company has responded to the call and advocated family members to stay in Zhangzhou for the New Year. To make the "stay in Zhangzhou" family not only "stay", but also "have a good time" during the Spring Festival, under the leadership of the company’s general manager Lin Jianping, the Human Resources and Administration Department, together with the Family Planning Association, the Labor Union, and the Party Branch has organized various theme activities such as the "Chess and Card Day", "New Year's Eve Activities" and "Sports Day Activities" on February 10th, 11th, and 14th which ensured that the family members of "Stay in Zhangzhou for the New Year" would spend a happy and warm Spring Festival together.

"Chess and Card Day" entertainment activities are more of fun 

The "Chess and Card Day" activities have added a festive atmosphere, shortened the distance between family members, strengthened friendships, enriched the amateur life of the "Stay in Zhangzhou for the New Year" family members and inspired the family to devote greater enthusiasm to next year's work.


"Chess and Card Day" activities

New Year's Eve Activities warm people's heart

On New Year’s Eve, the company has prepared Chinese New Year red envelopes, New Year gift packages with deep emotions and New Year blessings for the family members of “Stay in Zhangzhou for the New Year”. There were also activities of pasting Spring Festival couplets, making dumplings, and eating a New Year’s Eve dinner with a strong festive atmosphere. All of these made everyone truly feel the warmth of home when in the company.


General manager Lin Jianping sent red envelopes to the family


The family has recreational activities at the leisure center


General Manager Lin Jianping took a photo with some of the family who stayed in Zhangzhpou for the New Year


The family who stayed in Zhangzhou for the New Year pasted spring couplets, made dumplings, had Chinese New Year's Eve dinner

Healthy and Happy New Year on Sports Day

Exercise promotes health and family interaction enhances friendship leading to a happy new year when the family stayed in Zhangzhou. There are many activities on the Sports Day, including: jogging, big fish nets, deliver letters by chicken feather, bright seven dark seven, slam dunk, water passing through paper cups and so on. Making memories and exercising properly to enjoy the New Year when stayed in Zhangzhou for the New Year.


Activities such as jogging, water passing through paper cups on Sports Day

The family members of "Stay in Zhangzhou for the New Year" expressed their gratitude to the company for the gifts, New Year blessings and New Year series activities organized by the company, which gave them a warm and homely "special year".

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