
“Walk into Baijiao Village”-- LUO LIH-FEN Group: Together with Beauty and Love

Source:LUO LIH-FEN Group Views:7989 Postdate:2017-06-06

"Love”is seemingly an simple word, but in fact it is not. It is also one of the eight-character principles that LUO LIH-FEN Group unswervingly calling for. On the afternoon of December 23rd, Lin Jianping, senior executive deputy general manager of the group, and Zhang Zhaohua, deputy director of factory affairs, led several staff of the labor union to walk into Baijiao Village, Jiaomei Town, Zhangzhou Taiwanese Investment Zone to pay condolence to the local disabled, households enjoying the five guarantees, ex-servicemen and other households in hardship.


After exchanging greetings with the village head of Baijiao, general manager Lin inquired the village head about the specific situation of the disabled, households enjoying the five guarantees, ex-servicemen and other households in hardship in Baijiao Village. The village head also gave a detailed reply. Subsequently, accompanied by the village head and clerical assistant, general manager Lin, vice president Zhang and Director Wang led the staff to send warmth and sincere greetings to the families in need.


Labour union chairman of LUO LIH-FEN Group

General manager Lin and vice presidents Zhang asked every poor household about their physical condition and life problems, and they listened carefully to them. At the same time, they brought the goods and materials (rice, cooking oil, etc.) to the households in hardship, and they also made their humble effort to send red envelope to them on behalf of LUO LIH-FEN.

Every household in hardship received the goods and materials in tears, they expressed sincere thanks. This trip brought the warm spiritual comfort to every household in hardship and also provided them with material comfort, which made them not only enjoy the help and care but also obtain the life motivations. LUO LIH-FEN Group has been actively engaged in the public welfare of giving back to the society, it also promotes the traditional virtues of respect for the elderly and promotes the development of enterprises in the name of "love". In the future,  LUO LIH-FEN Group will also continue to pay close attention to the living conditions of the residents in the surrounding communities. If there are any difficulties, you can also take the initiative to contact and feedback. We will try our best to help every family or individual in need. May 2017 be the year of opportunity, happiness and development for every one of us.

Previous:Love Is Passed on Mmong LUO LIH-FEN Group -- “Disease Is Pitiless While Mankind Isnt.”
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