
Luo-Lih-Fen Group Holds Firm to Work Safety- Work Safety Month

Source:Luo Lih-Fen Group LLF20200013 Views:4688 Postdate:2020-08-05

In order to further promote the 19th "Work Safety Month", enhance employees' safety awareness, eliminate potential accidents and improve employees' ability to prevent and self-rescue and comprehensive ability to respond to emergencies, all departments of the company have closely focused on the theme of "eliminating hidden dangers of accidents and strengthening work safety " and adopted the company's overall management policy of "quality first, safety production, health and environmental protection, legal compliance, standard management, innovation for all employees, continuous improvement and due responsibility" as guiding ideology. The company has strengthened the sense of responsibility for safety production and been anti-habitual violation management, encouraged the participation of all employees in safety management and put safety management in the first place. Through multiple activities and training, the company aims to improve all employees' awareness of safety precautions and self-safety protection abilities in order to promote the safety and stable development of the company.

The activities for Work Safety Month are as follows:

I. Ministry of Information launched the initiative themed on “Safety and Environmental Protection, Starting from Switching off Computers”.


II. The 2nd “Using Fire Hose” Competition


Wang Zhenhua, assistant manager of administration and Zhang Zhaohua, assistant manager of facility summarized that the competition aims to improve the employees’ ability to self-rescue and rescue others and use various fire rescue facilities.

III. Fire Emergency Evacuation Drill

Lin Jianping, general manager of the company, Wang Zhenhua, assistant manager of administration and Zhang Zhaohua, assistant manager of facility, the Safety Production Office and people who are in charge of the drill groups ran and observed this drill and all employees of offices participated in this drill.

IV. The key members of the Longchi Fire Brigade of Taiwanese Investment Zone visited the company to carry out fire safety training.

In the training, the key members of the fire brigade first explained the "four abilities" of checking and eliminating fire hazards, extinguishing the initial fire, organizing people’s evacuation, and promoting, educating and training of fire control. And then the fire brigade organized everyone to participate in the field operation drills to strengthen the employees’ ability of using firefighting equipment. With various vivid fire cases, the employees clearly have realized the importance of fire safety and strengthened their safety awareness in work and life.

V. CPR Operation Training for the Employees

VI. Carrying out the transformation from “Want Me to Be Safe ” to “I Want to Be Safe ” on the basis of the National “One Helmet One Belt” Initiative launched by Ministry of Public Safety on 1st, June and our company’s "Traffic Safety Education and Publicity Base" situation.

VII. Carrying out the activity of taking snapshots about hidden safety hazards themed on “Everyone is Safety Guard”.

The fire safety training aims to prevent problems before they happen. This two-month safety month in various forms of activities has allowed all employees to be fully aware of the dangers of fire and the importance of mastering fire safety knowledge, further improved fire safety awareness and mastered the emergency response skills to keep alert. At the same time, this year's safety month activities has also promoted the smooth development of the company’s future fire safety work.

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