  • 27


    Warmly Congratulate Our Company Was Award 2017 Fujian “Specialized, Fined, Peculiar and New”Small and Medium Enterprise

    Let’s show warm congratulations on our company’s becoming Fujian “Specialized, Fined, Peculiar and New”small and medium enterprise on December, 7th, 2017.

  • 07


    A Merry Mid-Autumn Festival 2017 LUO LIH-FEN the First Session of Garden Party and Housewarming Dinner Party of Progress Building Came to a Complete Success!

    On November 16th, 2017, LUO LIH-FEN Group held its first garden party and incorporated the Minnan (south of Fujian Province) culture of "house" (“Cuo” in parts of Fujian means the living place) into the garden party. The garden party was decorated with a strong Minnan style and LUO LIH-FEN’s members and friends had fun enjoying it. They experienced a warm, happy, joyful garden party!

  • 04


    LUO LIH-FEN Group Was Invited to Attend 2017 Caring and Student-Helping Convention and Awarded Honor Plaque

    On the morning of December 1st, 2017 Caring and Student-Helping Conference and the Fifth Caring Achievement Exhibition of Xiamen Care Union was held at Xiamen Senior Citizen Activity Center. Chen Shenyang, member of Standing Committee of Municipal Committee and minister of Organization Ministry of Xiamen, attended the conference with the member of Xiamen Care Union and made an important speech. JIAWENLI (Fujian) Cosmetics Co., Ltd. was invited to attend the conference as a caring enterprise. At this conference, Mr. Lin Jianping, general manager of the company, was awarded the honor plaque of "Light of Care Illuminates the Future" on behalf of the company.

  • 31


    “Labor Union Helps Students in Golden Autumn”-- 2017 LUO LIH-FEN Group’s “Relay” of Love Never Stops

    Entering the university after long years of hard study is the dream of many students. However, some children with financial difficulties in their families are still worried about the high tuition and living costs.

  • 06


    LUO LIH-FEN Group -- JIAWENLI (Fujian) Cosmetics Co., Ltd. -- Book Donation Activity

    On May 26th, 2017, the Party Branch of JIAWENLI(Fujian) Cosmetics Co., Ltd. launched an annual book donation activity. Lin Jianping (general manager, Wang Zhenhua (executive vice president) and Xu Zhidian (chairman of the labor union) walked into Jinshan Bilingual Primary School in Zhangzhou Taiwanese Investment Zone and donated more than 1000 out-of-class reading material. The exquisite books convey truth, faith and power among student, which help children grow up healthily and fly their dreams!

  • 06


    The first “Ingenious Housewife”Rice Dumpling Making Competition of JIAWENLI(Fujian) Cosmetics Co., Ltd. Came to a success

    Dragon Boat Festival is on the fifth day of the lunar May. On that day, people take wormwood on their doors, and the fragrance of wormwood penetrates the whole house. People eat rice dumplings sprinkled with white sugar. Rowing dragon boats brings joy to people. The labor union of JIAWENLI(Fujian) Cosmetics Co., Ltd. held a fascinating game of making rice dumplings in the canteen on May 26th , which enabled the workers to feel the joyful festival atmosphere of Dragon Boat Festival and have a warm holiday.

  • 06


    LUO LIH-FEN Group ▎The Basketball League Match of the Party Branch of Taiwan-Funded Enterprise in Zhangzhou Taiwanese Investment Zone Was Crowned with Complete Success

    In order to promote the construction of corporate culture, set up a communication platform for employees and enrich spiritual and cultural life, under the organization of "the Party Branch of CPC Central Committee of JIAWENLI", the Basketball League Finals of Enterprise Party Branch in Zhangzhou Taiwanese Investment Zone was held in JIAWENLI (Fujian) Cosmetics Co., Ltd. of LUO LIH-FEN Group. The final match was conducted by the two stand-out teams of the Kaijing Party branch and Taishan Party branch. Under the active organization of the labor union of the Taiwanese Investment Zone, the Group made sufficient logistical preparations to ensure the smooth progress of the competition.

  • 17


    "Nonprofit Blood Donation of Ten Thousand Employees from Hundreds of Enterprises"—LUO LIH-FEN’s Public Blood Donation Deliver Positive Energy

    On the afternoon of January 14th, 2017, the fourth "Nonprofit Blood Donation of Ten Thousand Employees from Hundreds of Enterprises", jointly sponsored by Xiamen Federation of Industry and Commerce (General Chamber of Commerce), Xiamen Center Blood Station and Xiamen Voluntary Blood Donor Association, kicked off the love transmission in the Zhongshan Road of Xiamen. Xiamen Beauty Cosmetics Industry Association and all caring cosmetics enterprises participated in the opening ceremony of “Public Welfare Activity of Millions of Merchants’Blood Donation”. As a representative of the caring enterprise, LUO LIH-FEN Group was invited to attend this activity.

  • 06


    Love Is Passed on Mmong LUO LIH-FEN Group -- “Disease Is Pitiless While Mankind Isnt.”

    Age: I always feel that I haven’t grown up and parents are still young; Happiness: I always feel that happiness surrounds us; Cancer: I always feel that cancer is far away from us; Unknown: You will never know tomorrow and accident which will come first...

  • 06


    “Walk into Baijiao Village”-- LUO LIH-FEN Group: Together with Beauty and Love

    "Love”is seemingly an simple word, but in fact it is not. It is also one of the eight-character principles that LUO LIH-FEN Group unswervingly calling for. On the afternoon of December 23rd, Lin Jianping, senior executive deputy general manager of the group, and Zhang Zhaohua, deputy director of factory affairs, led several staff of the labor union to walk into Baijiao Village, Jiaomei Town, Zhangzhou Taiwanese Investment Zone to pay condolence to the local disabled, households enjoying the five guarantees, ex-servicemen and other households in hardship.

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