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    Jia Wenli (Fujian) Cosmetics Co., Ltd. Social Quality Credit Report

    Jiawenli (Fujian) Cosmetics Co., Ltd. upholds the management concept of "love, confidence, determination, integration, responsibility and progress" and the quality policy of "quality first, honesty and compliance, continuous improvement, customer satisfaction". It strictly carries out work in accordance with the States relevant laws, regulations and related industry standards. According to the daily quality work of the company, the related data of the companys quality credit work are summarized and sorted out, and Corporate Social Quality Credit Report for 2017 is compiled. The company is responsible for the objectivity of the evaluation report and the scientificity of the current evaluation conclusion.

  • 28


    Read Chinese classics and enhance cultural confidence.

    On June 26th, State Taxation Bureau of Zhangzhou Taiwanese Investment Zone, JIAWENLI (Fujian) Cosmetics Co., Ltd., Xiyuan (Fujian) Paper Co., Ltd. jointly organized the second activity of"Literary Reading Month for Taxation Bureau and Enterprises--Reading Sharing Session". Wang Zhenhua (the executive vice president of our company) and Xu Zhidian (the party branch secretary) led more than 20 book-lovers to actively participate in it!

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    LUO LIH-FEN Group Truely Cares for Education And Passes Dreams with Love

    On the afternoon of June 1st, 2018, LUO LIH-FEN Group-JIAWENLI (Fujian) Cosmetics Co., Ltd. joined hands with the State Taxation Bureau of Zhangzhou Taiwanese Investment Zone to donate books to more than 500 migrant workers children at Jiaomei Decai Primary School in Zhangzhou Taiwanese Investment Zone. Group leaders care for students and education. With the support of all the workers, Wang Zhenhua (the executive vice president) and Xu Zhidian (the party branch secretary) represented the company at the book donation activity and celebrated International Childrens Day with the children.

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    GOOD NEWS! Lin Jianping, Senior Executive Vice President of LUO LIH-FEN Group And General Manager of JIAWENLI (Fujian) Cosmetics Co., Ltd., Was Awarded the Title of “2018 Zhangzhou Model Worker”

    Lin Jianping, Senior Executive Vice President of LUO LIH-FEN Group And General Manager of JIAWENLI (Fujian) Cosmetics Co., Ltd., Was Awarded the Title of “2018 Zhangzhou Model Worker”

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    Put Emphasis on Party Building for Development -- The work of Party Building of JIAWENLI

    On March 16th, a forum for the three-level secretaries of Party building was held in Zhangzhou Taiwanese Investment Zone. The forum carried out the spirit of the new era of General Secretary Xi Jinping, socialism with Chinese characteristics and the guiding principles of the Eighteenth National Congress of the Party and it also promoted the overall development of the Party building. Dai Yili (deputy secretary of the party working committee), Chen Xinan (secretary of the Jiaomei Town Party Committee) and other leaders were accompanied by general manager Lin Jianping to insect our party building. Leaders affirmed our achievements in Party building and encouraged us to continue to make great efforts to achieve good results.

  • 06


    2000 Women Walking in Garden Expo Park and Celebrating Womens Day

    The 2018 Xiamen Women’s Ecological and Healthy Walking was kicked off in Garden Expo Park, 2000 women from all walks of life in Xiamen actively participated in this activity. Xu Zhidian, chairman of the branch committee of JIAWENLI (Fujian) Cosmetics Co., Ltd., personally led 20 staff representatives bath in bright sunshine to welcome the coming 108th International Working Womens Day in the way of low carbon, being closer to nature and healthy and active life style.

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    “Love Makes Home” -- LUO LIH-FEN Group’s Poverty Relief Warms People.

    On the afternoon of February 1st, 2018, accompanied by the leadership of the Non-Public Party Committee of Zhangzhou Taiwanese Investment Zone and the leaders of village committees, Lin Jianping (senior executive deputy general manager of LUO LIH-FEN Group and general manager of JIAWENLI (Fujian) Cosmetics Co., Ltd.), Zhang Zhaohua (deputy director of factory affairs), Wang Zhenhua (executive vice president) and Xu Zhidian (chairman of the labor union) led the company staff to Jiaomei Town, Baijiao Village, Jinshan Village and Hongjian Village of Zhangzhou Taiwanese Investment Zone to pay condolence to the local family in financial or material difficulties and send them cooking oil and rice and hand out red envelops that were on behalf of LUO LIH-FEN’s good wills.

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    Crowning Glory and Wining Two Prizes (“Cross-Strait Cooperation Contribution Award” & “Excellent Functional Products”) Continue to Push the High-Quality Industrial Development!

    The 2017 3rd Summit Forum of Fujian Daily Chemicals Chamber of Commerce was held in Wanda Realm Hotel, North Bay, Xiamen on January 20th, 2018. This forum is themed on “Focus on Marketing Model Innovation and Create a More Dynamic Industrial Chain". Many member enterprises came together to discuss, share and exchange views of new ways to develop industry. Mr. Lin Jianping, General Manager of JIAWENLI (Fujian) Cosmetics Company, and Ms. Wang Yanru, Manager of Beauty Industry College, were invited to attend the meeting.

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    The Sixth "Nonprofit Blood Donation of Ten Thousand Employees from Hundreds of Enterprises"— LUO LIH-FEN’s Boundless Love Warms the Cold Winter.

    The cold winter months of every year are the time of blood shortage. In order to ease the shortage of blood stocks and ensure the demand for blood during the Spring Festival, last weekend, the sixth "Nonprofit Blood Donation of Ten Thousand Employees from Hundreds of Enterprises" which was sponsored by Xiamen Federation of Commerce and Industry (General Chamber of Commerce), center blood station and the association of voluntary blood donor was launched in Wanda Plaza of Huli. JIAWENLI (Fujian) Cosmetics Co., Ltd. was invited as a caring enterprise to attend this love outreach and it was awarded the "Outstanding Organization Award".

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    JIAWENLI (Fujian) Cosmetics Co., Ltd. Won the Title of "2017 The Hero of Economic Construction" of Zhangzhou Taiwanese Investment Zone

    On January 16th, 2018, a work conference for the whole region was held in Zhangzhou Taiwanese Investment Zone, secretary of the district party committee, director of the district administration committee, attended the meeting and made important speeches. JIAWENLI (Fujian) Cosmetics Co., Ltd. was invited as an economic contributor to attend the meeting and it was honored the honour plague of “The Hero of Economic Construction" of Zhangzhou Taiwanese Investment Zone.

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