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    Luo Lih-Fen Group Holds March & April Joint Birthday Party | Sowing Hope, Harvesting Hapiness

    Spring quietly arrives, with distant green grass reaching the sky, spring swallows stirring up mud in front of us, and orioles singing in our ears. Everything lies in this beautiful season. Spring is a poem, a painting, and seems to be a garden of flowers. In this season of vibrant springtime, with tender green grass and the most beautiful April days, we welcome the March & April birthday party.

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    Collaboration Between Schools and Enterprises Promotes Development, Mutual Benefit, and Opens Up New Prospects - the Signing Ceremony Between Luo Lih-Fen Group and Huaqiao University Was Successfully

    In order to promote the deep integration of production, education, and research, and accelerate the commercialization of scientific achievements,on the afternoon of April 18, Luo Lih-Fen Group and Huaqiao University launched a new round of cooperation. The signing ceremony was successfully held on the first floor of the companys Progress Building. Those attending the signing ceremony included: Ms. Luo Lihfen, Chairman of the Group, Mr. Rao Huanwen, General Manager of the Group, Ms. Chen Hong, General Manager of Operations, Mr. Wang Zhifu, Special Assistant to the General Manager, Mr. Wang Zhenhua, Vice General Manager of the Company, Professor Zhan Guowu of Huaqiao University, and colleagues from the R&D team.

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    Warm congratulations to the Taiwan Business District " Integrated Development Benefits Taiwan Enterprises " lecture hall intellectual property publicity into the first stop of the enterprise kicked of

    Gathering intellectual property forces from both sides of the strait to create a future of integrated innovation, on the afternoon of April 17, the first session of the "Knowledge Property Rights Promotion into Enterprises" lecture series under the "Integrated Development Benefits Taiwan Enterprises" program was successfully launched at our company in the Taiwan Business Investment Zone. Xu Ming, a second-level researcher from the Taiwan Business Investment Zone Administration Committee, Wu Xuefei, Director of the District Market Supervision Administration, Zhu Yinmao, Deputy Minister of the Party and Mass Department and Secretary-General of the Taiwan Business Association, Weng Lili, Deputy Director, and related personnel from the Intellectual Property Office, Yang Fan, Captain of the Economic Investigation Brigade and related personnel, Lin Jianping, President of the Fujian Daily-Used Chemicals Association and General Manager of Juwenlee (Fujian) Cosmetics Co., Ltd., lawyers from Yingke Law Firm, and representatives from 15 Taiwanese companies in the jurisdiction attended the event.

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    The Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Zhangzhou Municipal Bureau of Commerce, Sun Ke, and His Delegation Visited Our Company for Investigation.

    On April 9, Sun Ke, the Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Zhangzhou Municipal Bureau of Commerce, accompanied by Yang Yingming, member of the Party Committee and Deputy Director of the Taiwan Business Investment Zone, and Zhou Shaoyong, member of the Party Committee, visited our company for investigation. Lin Jianping, the General Manager of the company, and Wang Zhenhua, the Deputy General Manager, accompanied the investigation.

  • 08


    Chen Zhiwei, Standing Committee Member of the Dongguan Municipal Party Committee and Minister of United Front, and His Delegation Visited Our Company to Investigate

    On April 2, Chen Zhiwei, a member of the Standing Committee of the Dongguan Municipal Party Committee and Minister of United Front, accompanied by Xu Dawu, Director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of Zhangzhou City, and Wang Yeqing, a member of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Taiwan Business Investment Zone, visited our company for investigation, with Lin Jianping, General Manager of the company receiving and accompanying.

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    Luo LihFen Group Hold a Floral Arrangement Event with the Theme of "Caring for Women in Action" on International Womens Day

    In the spring of March, with the warm weather and blooming flowers, everything is full of vitality. To celebrate the 114th International Womens Day, enrich the cultural life of female employees, showcase the charm of women, and strengthen communication among employees, the "Caring for Women in Action" floral arrangement event organized by the groups Labor Union and Womens Federation was successfully held at the leisure center on the sixth floor on March 8.

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    A delegation led by Lai Gengsheng, member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Zhangzhou Science and Technology Bureau, visited our company for Investigation on the collection and statistics

    On March 6, accompanied by Zhou Shaoyong, member of the Party Working Committee of the Taiwan Business Investment Zone, Lai Gengsheng, member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Zhangzhou Science and Technology Bureau, led a team to visit our company for the research on the collection and statistics of R&D investment in the whole society. The companys General Manager Lin Jianping, Deputy General Manager Wang Zhenhua, and Director of the R&D Center Pan Fawu received and accompanied the delegation for the research.

  • 05


    Reunion, Happiness | Luo Lih-Fen Groups January & February Birthday Party Held Successfully

    February is a month of reunion. After the traditional Spring Festival, we ushered in the Lantern Festival. On this day of reunion, the Group celebrated the birthday party in January and February. On February 28, colleagues from the Human Resources Administration Department carefully prepared delicious fruits, small snacks and cakes at the employee activity center on the sixth floor. They also specially arranged a tangyuan-making activity for this birthday party, allowing everyone to experience the happiness brought by the birthday party, and appreciate the traditional significance.

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    Visit of Xie Hongkun, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Zhangzhou Taiwan Business Investment Zone, and His Delegation to Our Company for Post-Holiday Resumption of Work and Production Resear

    On February 19, Xie Hongkun, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Zhangzhou Taiwan Business Investment Zone, Zhang Yanneng, Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee and Director of the Management Committee, Yang Yingming, Deputy Director of the Management Committee, and others visited our company to conduct research on resuming work and production after the holiday. Luo Lihfen,Chairman of the Group, General Manager Rao Huanwen, and General Manager Lin Jianping of the group received and accompanied.

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