  • 02


    Warmly Congratulate Our Company to Obtain "Fujian Province May 1st Labor Certificate of Merit"

    Due to the influence COVID-19, the commendation conference of Fujian Province May 1st Labor Award was postponed to October 19th. Our company won the "Fujian Province May 1st Labor Award" in 2020 through applying and checking of the enterprise. On the afternoon of October 27th, Dai Yili, Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Zhangzhou Taiwanese Investment Zone, Zeng Ximin, Director of the Party-Masses Work Department of District, Huang Qunming, Deputy Director of the District Trade Union and Chairman of Jiao Mei Town Trade Union, and other leaders come to our company to present the certificate of merit. Wang Zhenhua, assistant general manager of administration, and Xu Zhidian, Chairman of the trade union, accepted the certificate of merit and medal on behalf of the company.

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    Luo Lih-Fen Group is invited to attend "oba Cup International Fashion Art Festival"

    On September 24th, oba Cup Fashion Art Festival Costume Ceremony, Cross-Strait Photography Competition and Awards Ceremony will grandly hold in Xiamen International Conference and Exhibition Center! Mr. Wang Zhenhua, assistant general manager of administration, was invited as a representative to attend this art festival by Xiamen Beauty and Cosmetics Association, and as a presenter of award to present honorary certificates and awards to the winner units and individuals of this event.

  • 25


    The first phase enterprise free clinic service enter Juwenlee (Fujian) Cosmetics Co., Ltd., and industrial design empowered enterprises to innovate and develop

    On the afternoon of September 23rd, the event of the first phase for industrial design into enterprises with free clinic in Zhangzhou Taiwanese Investment Zone was successfully held in our company. The event was guided by the Management Committee of Zhangzhou Taiwanese Investment Zone, sponsored by the Economic Development Bureau of Zhangzhou Taiwanese Investment Zone, undertaken by Xiamen International Trade Jiahe Enterprise Service Co., Ltd. and Zhangzhou Daguanjia Business Service Co., Ltd., and assisted by Zhuoya National Industrial Design Center, Art College of Minnan Normal University and Zhangzhou Industrial Design Association.

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    Distinguished Guests of Provincial and Municipal Council of Promotion of International Trade Visited Our Company for Survey and Research

    On the morning of September 17th, Xie Xuhua, Vice President of Provincial Council of Promotion of International Trade, and Qiu Yaming, President of Zhangzhou Council of Promotion of International Trade, visited our company to survey and research the enterprise development and resumption of work and production. Lin Jianping, general manager of Juwenlee, Wang Zhenhua, assistant general manager of administration, and Zhang Xiuqiong, Vice Finance President, received and attended the symposium.

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    The Delegation of Zhangzhou Xiangcheng District Family Planning Association Visited Our Company for Survey and Research

    On the afternoon of September 16th, Liao Wenbin, the president of Zhangzhou Xiangcheng District Family Planning Association, led the team with members of the District Family Planning Association and Lin Jun, secretary of Sanbao Group, and other 13 distinguished guests to come to our company for survey, research and exchange accompanied by Guo Shaojing, leader of the Administration Commission of Taiwanese Investment Zone, and Zhang Furong, president of Family Planning Association. Lin Jianping, general manager of Juwenlee, Wang Zhenhua, assistant general manager of administration, and Xu Zhidian, Chairman of the Companys Labor Union and Secretary General of Family Planning Association, received and accompanied the research and exchange meeting.

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    Luo Lih-Fen 2020 “Caring for Spring Bud with Love” Public Welfare Event of Helping Students With Love

    Young student is a precious human resource, the hope of the nation and the future of the country. In recent years, the difficulty of finishing college studies among university students from low-income families has been a focus of social concern. A large number of female students from low-income families who are about to enter the university are facing drop-out. Based on this problem, helping low-income students finish their studies is of great significance.

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    Luo Lih-Fen Group—Juwenlee (Fujian) Cosmetics Co., Ltd. Held the Ceremony of Donating Books to Zhangzhou Peiwen School (Hong Jian Middle School)

    On August 25th, 2020, under the support of Social Service Administration Bureau of Zhangzhou Taiwanese Investment Zone and party branch in Zhangzhou Taiwanese Investment Zone of China Zhi Gong Party, Luo Lih-Fen Goup—Juwenlee (Fujian) Cosmetics Co., Ltd. held the Ceremony of Donating Books to Zhangzhou Peiwen School (Hong Jian Middle School) and co-established Peiwen-Luo Lih-Fen Love Book House. The company donated 2138 books (worth: ¥50,000 only) and the employees donated 450 books in this activity. Lin Jianping, general manager of Juwenlee (Fujian) Cosmetics Co., Ltd., Wang Zhenhua, assistant manager of administration, Xu Zhidian, production director and president of labor union and members of party branch, labor union and family planning committee attended this activity.

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    Expecting for Ages, Waiting for You

    On August 25th, 2020, the youths dating party named “Expecting for Ages, Waiting for you” was held in Liangxing Boutique Hotel. The party was organized mainly by the Working Committee of Communist Youth League of Zhangzhou Taiwanese Investment Zone, undertaken by the Committee of Communist Youth League of Jiaomei Town, Women Federation of Jiaomei Town, Liangxing Boutique Hotel of Zhangzhou Taiwanese Investment Zone and co-organized by Luo Lih-Fen Group—Juwenlee (Fujian) Cosmetics Co., Ltd.. Over 80 outstanding young people from government organizations, public institutions, state-owned companies, Taiwanese companies, senior managers of enterprises, military, hospitals, educational institutions and owners of startup business from Taiwan had romantic encounters here. The representatives of labor union and family planning committee participated in the party.

  • 21


    Members of the Committee of Education, Science, Health and Sports of CPPCC Fujian Provincial Committee visited Luo Lih-Fen Group for carrying out The Research on Accelerating Mechanisms for High-tech

    On August 19th, in order to understand and fully implement the spirit of the Central Economic Working Conference, effective measures were taken to cultivate indigenous and rooted high-tech enterprises in an all-round way. Huang Hongwu, a member of Standing Committee of the CPPCC Fujian Provincial Committee , Lin Bin, Cai Xiaowei , Lin Qiumei , Zheng Zhao, Hong Liying, members of the CPPCC Fujian Provincial Committee and other leaders visited our company for carrying out The Research on Accelerating Mechanisms for High-tech Enterprises Development. Rao Huanwen, general manager of our group, Lin Jianping, general manager of Juwenlee and Wang Zhenhua, assistant general manager of administration greeted them and attended this forum.

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    Luo Lih-Fen Group Co-organized 2020 the 2nd Wedding Expo in Zhangzhou Taiwanese Investment Zone

    In the afternoon of August 9th, 2020, the party branch, labor union and family planning association of Juwenlee company organized the employees to Liangxin Boutique Hotel to attend the 2nd Wedding Expo in Zhangzhou Taiwanese Investment Zone. This Wedding Expo was organized by Social Service Administration Bureau and Women’s Federation of Zhangzhou Taiwanese Investment Zone and co-organized by Luo Lih-Fen Group—Juwenlee (Fujian) Cosmetics Co., Ltd..

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